Saturday, March 29, 2008

Discolired Resin Gshock


Here is some other design ... well, not exactly the soggettoni more than anything else are the parts of the mind buggy of my faithful pencil ... Sometimes it is difficult to control ... also because most of the time without knowing WHERE start to finish .... I'll do a few lines, then you end up where you end up, this is the sense of absolute absence of constraints, rules, etc. to which I said a couple of posts ago ...

This was an idea I had for the poster of a show at San Francisco we had to do ... REJECTED , but come to think then I would have voted down too ... I also symbolic ....... of course, the trouble of my drawings is that often ( MUCH! ) I enjoy them ... almost symbolic purpose of the games even when I put some detail that makes you smile if you noticed (at least in my idea) ... I like it because I like to know that maybe I can snatch a half-smile to someone who may not even know, but you may notice a small and insignificant reference, understand, and (surprise) laughing ...

About symbols and details ..... the world on the right hand has had the honor of being the cover of the high school final examination of my sister (thanks sister!), entitled "Earth S-view."
The idea came to me reading the ' label of an ordinary bottle half liter of water, where stands the white bullet markers of recyclable materials ... but come on, what with both white and green arrows that follow! A nice hit in the ass actually, but I also added that particular (even very masked in truth) in the design ... maybe someone saw it and smiled ... also now eh! ^ _ ^

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Grandad Catchies Gril Masterbateing


Here is my dragons ... my favorite subjects ^ _ ^

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Pokemon Pearl Decorations


Apart from the kind black and white last post, I like to think (rarely speak), that what I draw is just what comes out of the pencil ... to tell the truth I think even to be good, with the capital ..... B on the edge "lead me" ... in terms of the + of the time we put those 30-40 hours before they are really happy!

Anyway the topic of my favorite pencil (because she decides ) are fantastic ....... that is, those subjects where I can indulge themselves seriously: rules ZERO, ZERO models ( but usually ... If I start following a pattern, so then I end as I will!), 100% freedom cancellarecambiaregirarevoltareforcarebrigare of the characters I'm drawing ... which in most cases are elves, fairies, goblins, fairies, DRAGONS ( This type here <--), bestie anche giocattoli, caricature (il mio sport preferito durante le ore di lezione noiose all'università...e sono TANTE!!), ecc...

Apart from anything else, I always liked to draw a lot, and I do it always, or at least since I can remember, that the tender age of 3-4 years, when I began to scribble sheets ( Who has not done?) telling my parents that I had done ..... TARZAN

... is my favorite way to fuck ... ...

is THE vent when I'm pissed off / stressed / nervous / sottoesame ...

... is a way to clear your head when it is too full of junk ...

... is the my way of talking when I want to use words ...

... sometimes it's half the I use to say something to the people you love ...
... sometimes it is the goal a ' idea that spin around in my head, and sometimes the journey itself ...
MY ... is the way I'd really FREE ...

How Long To Recover From Heavy Marijuana Use

And here I am ..... or at least my alter-ego of paper and ink
... in fact I've got my nose ^_^.. .
actually are not even so thin ...........
well, if it is not too obvious, I'm all casino was just to say that I like DRAWING , so I decided to publish some of my chore ... I do not know if anyone will appreciate them, but in any case .. ... let me know!